Online Door Desensitisation Mini Course for Dogs With Separation Anxiety

This short course will help you take the first step to decoding your dog's separation anxiety.

Course Summary

If your dog can't even cope with you walking towards the door without losing its mind, then this mini course from Separation Anxiety In Dogs Decoded is for you.

It will help your dog understand that the door really is dull and boring and there is no reason to be concerned if you walk towards it and even step outside.

This course is the very first step in your separation anxiety journey because unless you can walk towards the door without your dog freaking out, you won't have a hope actually leaving them.

Course Curriculum

Ness Jones

Training Director, Separation Anxiety In Dogs Decoded 

Diploma in Canine Behaviour (ISCP.Dip.Canine.Prac.)
CSAP-BC (Certified Separation Anxiety Pro Behavior Consultant)
Certified in Applied Canine Ethology (CACE), Ethology Institute
CPDT (Certified Professional Dog Trainer), Ethology Institute
Diploma in Small Animal Naturopathy (Dip.NatSA)
Host of the Separation Anxiety In Dogs Podcast with Ness Jones
Co-host of podcast Tails From The Dog House: Separation Anxiety Explained (available on all good listening apps)
Host of the Decoding Your Canine Summit Series with more than 150 interviews with the world's foremost dog professionals covering training, behavior, diet, health & wellbeing.

Course Pricing

Online Door Desensitisation Mini Course

$10 USD

  • This short course will help you take the first step to decoding your dog's separation anxiety.

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